Christian's Portfolio

I'm Christian Canturia and welcome to my Portfolio site. Here you can see my various projects that I've done this year. To learn more, read my artist's statement.

"Lost", Digital Video, 2018

Lost is a video about technology and how its blurrying our reality. We are surrounded by technology and the video mainly deals with how we are becoming less and less social with one another.

"Calm and Chaos", Digital Video, 2018

In this piece, I wanted to show the calmness in nature, but also show how destructive it can be. Also this work is meant to inform people on how unpredictable nature is and how we must be ready in case of a natural disaster. The work is split into two videos in one screen. The left side shows videos of water and the other, videos of fire. The videos start off with calm elements to both water and fire. As the videos progress, they get more and more chaotic until the end where it gets calm again. I picture this piece to be installed in a square closed room because I want the viewer to be surrounded with sound to "feel" the power of water and fire. Audio is a big part in this piece. All the audio associated with water is on the left side while all the audio associated with fire is on the right. It is also encouraged for people to walk around and hear the different sounds.

"Worldmap", Interactive Website, 2018

Worldmap is an Interactive website that showcases some of the most colorful places in the world. The videos accompanying the discriptions are edited in a way that makes the places look like paintings that are moving.

Link to website

"Mapper", Interactive Website, 2018

Mapper is an interactive website meant to archive your adventures. When you first visit the site, you are introduced to the map. The map has seven interesting sites you can explore. If you want to see more of a particular site, you can click on an icon and it will redirect you to a video and a brief description of that place.

Link to website

"National Park", Digital Image, 2019

I titled this piece National Park because I believe that this will be an accurate depiction of what our national parks will look like if we dont take climate change seriously. I used multiple images found in the internet to create this composite.

"Doomed Cyborg", Digital Image, 2019

So our cyborg is about the fall of humanity in the hands of the pharmaceutical companies. I used audacity and the text editor as well as the free programs listed to achieve the effects on my image.

"Jaded", Digital Video, 2019

The video is about the feeling one gets when they are high on a drug. I distorted the video as well as the audio to create a psychedelic look and sound. The fall at the end is a representation of the after effects of taking a drug. It's all fun and games until you get hurt.

"Retro Pc", Interactive Website, 2019

Our net art project was based off of 90's themes. We analyze and reflect on the advancement of Games, computers, and instant messaging.

Link to website

"Daunting", Digital Audio Piece, 2019

I used multiple sounds to create this audio piece. The individual audio sounds wihtin the piece was recordered around San Jose. Some of the tracks are recordings of the train, footsteps, and an electric scooter.

"Flight Log", Code Art, P5, 2019

Flight Log is about how much I flew back home this school year. In total, I flew back 7 times, 4 times last year and 3 times this year. The 14 planes represent the planes that took me from San Jose to San Diego and vice versa. I'd like to keep this project updated; everytime I fly and go back to San Diego, I'll add a new pair of planes.

Link to P5

"Curiously Misguided Skater", Video/Net Art, 2019

This piece is a continuation of my video project titled Jaded. Curiously Misguided Skater is an interactive website that takes the viewer on a skateboard ride through someone who is high on a substance. This is not the most accurate simulation since every person is different when they take drugs, but this is a visual representation of what the different stages of a high can be for someone who is under the influence. On the website, there are three skateboards. Each skateboard takes you on a different stage of being high. The first stage will show videos that are unsaturated, not full of life. The second stage is when you start feeling the substance and things start to become disoriented and much more saturated. The third stage is when the fun stops, and you start to get paranoid and the side effects start kicking in. I want the viewer to go on a ride with me and see visually what people who take drugs might experience. I chose to make a video/net art project on this subject because i felt that If I wanted the audience to take a ride through this trippy piece I made, It would be most effective if I created a video/net art piece about it. Family members and friends close to me who were addicted to drugs deeply influenced this work.

Link to website